First-Year Applicants

Applying to college is exciting but going through the process can bring up a lot of questions. We’re here to help you along the way. This page will take you through the basics and lead you to the detailed information you need.

Beginning Your Application

You may apply for admission as a first-year if you meet the following criteria:

  • You’re currently in high school.
  • Or, you’ve already graduated from high school, but haven’t yet enrolled in a regular session at a college or university.

To begin the application process, use our online application form.

Admission Considerations and Requirements

There are a wide variety of factors we consider when admitting our newest Beavers each year. We seek students whose personal stories and rich experience bring the type of perspective and leadership that we value. We seek intellectually curious students who have grown through their academic work and are ready to both contribute to and benefit from the ULSA community. Ours is a highly selective admission process but know that we read every application closely and seek to know our applicants as best we can before making our final admission decisions.


When you apply for admission, we consider your accomplishments both in and outside of the classroom. In fact, there are 13 criteria that our faculty have approved for first-year admission consideration. Among the factors we consider are:

  • Strong academic performance in a rigorous high school program or college coursework.
  • Achievements in academic enrichment programs.
  • Personal qualities.
  • Special talents, awards or accomplishments.
  • Likely contributions to the intellectual and cultural vitality of our campus.
  • Meaningful insights about yourself in the motivation statement.
  • Other achievements in any field of intellectual or creative endeavor, including the performing arts, athletics, community service, etc.

We are often asked what the difference is between meeting the admission requirements and being “competitive.” Our most successful applicants go beyond minimum requirements and seek to challenge themselves to grow both in and outside of the classroom.

Academic Preparation

You must complete 15 A-G courses with at least 11 courses finished prior to the beginning of your last year of high school. To be competitive in the ULSA admission process, applicants should present an academic profile much stronger than any minimum admission requirements. See below for a listing of the A-G requirements:

A) 2 years history/social science

B) 4 years of college-preparatory English

C) 3 years of mathematics (4 years recommended)

D) 2 years of laboratory science (3 years recommended)

E) 2 years of language other than English (3 years recommended)

F) 1 year of visual and performing arts (if available)

G) 1 year of college-preparatory elective

Keep in mind that there is no single academic path we expect all students to follow. However, competitive applicants earn high marks in the most rigorous curriculum available to them.


Each application for admission is reviewed within the context of courses available to that student. If a particular required subject is not available, we’ll consider your application without it.

Standardized Testing (SAT/ACT)

ULSA will not consider SAT or ACT scores for admission or scholarship purposes.


If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.

Motivation Statement

Your motivation statement is your chance to show us who you are and what drives you. To make the most of this opportunity, give yourself time to reflect on your experiences and goals. Be clear, focused, and organized — structure your response so it’s easy for someone who doesn’t know you to understand.


Use specific examples to highlight your personal qualities and accomplishments. Avoid clichés and be cautious with humor, as what might seem funny to you may not translate the same way to others. Show us how your experiences have shaped who you are today and how ULSA will help you achieve your future goals.


Lastly, leave time for revisions. Share your writing with people you trust for feedback and always check for grammar and clarity before submitting.

Comprehensive Review

We know that every potential first-year has a story that goes beyond their grade point average. Using a process called comprehensive review, we carefully balance many factors to gain a complete sense of every applicant’s achievements. We take into account how hard you’ve worked to take advantage of the opportunities you’ve had to excel, extracurricular activities and your community.


Some factors are more easily quantifiable than others, but you should understand that we use the full range of factors made available to us through comprehensive review in evaluating and admitting first-years each year. Among these factors are:

  • Grades and GPA.
  • Rigor of your high school curriculum.
  • Leadership and involvement outside of the classroom.
  • Your own accomplishments, life experiences and circumstances.

Choosing a Major

College is a time of discovery and self-discovery — and deciding on your major involves both.


For first-years applying to a major in ULSA, choice of major will neither enhance nor diminish your prospects for admission.

Tips to Become ULSA Ready

Our mission as a university can be described in three words: education, research and service. We value students who seek academic excellence, get hands-on to solve problems and strive to give back to their community.

  • Challenge yourself with classes beyond the minimum requirements.
  • Stay focused on getting the best grades possible.
  • Develop your leadership skills and style.
  • Explore extracurriculars to determine your passions.
  • Stay sharp with apps designed to test your math abilities.
  • Spend time making your community a better place.
  • Read! Reading increases your knowledge and improves writing ability.